eve test 3

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test 2

  • Product not yet rated Contains 11 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that all nursing facilities must have a compliance program by March 23, 2013. While large companies have had compliance programs for many years, smaller chains and single homes may not have yet established a formal plan.

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that all nursing facilities must have a compliance program by March 23, 2013. While large companies have had compliance programs for many years, smaller chains and single homes may not have yet established a formal plan. Given the fact that compliance is a concept well known and well-practiced in most nursing facilities, adoption of a "compliance program" should not be an overwhelming task. Rather, it is a matter of identifying what aspects of the program are already largely in place and which aspects need to be further developed and then designed into a program that makes sense for your organization.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Understand how a strong Corporate Compliance & Ethics Programs improves quality;
    2. Know the first steps to take in developing a Corporate Compliance & Ethics Program;
    3. Learn the 7 elements critical to implementing an efficient Corporate Compliance & Ethics Program; and
    4. Focus on screening and internal monitoring and auditing elements - - both critical elements to the government.

    This product offers the viewer 1 credit hour.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s)

    Be Inspired by Neil Pruitt

    Be Inspired by Neil Pruitt.  Click here to VIEW

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